
Date Topic Speaker Location Food
April 23/99 The Doctrine of the Calling/ Predestination Bro. Ted Farrar W.Farrar W.Farrar
April 30/99 Book Reviews!!! Everyone!!! M.Chisholm M.Chisholm
May 7/99 Open Class open J.Farrar J.Farrar
May 14/99 a) Reasons not to believe in Evolution
b) Reasons to believe in God.
a) Matt Farrar b) Mike Neilson Neilson Neilson
May 21/99 Bible Movie movie W.Farrar W.Farrar
May 28/99 Family Night @Tansley Woods Tansley Woods Tansley Woods Tansley Woods
June 4/99 End of the year Event TBA TBA TBA

"Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."

Meeting together every Friday night is a very profitable thing. It keeps us from spending our Friday nights doing worldly things. We build friendships that will last a lifetime and that will hopefully help each other to the Kingdom. We must stick close together during these last days and be a light to the world through our actions and words. Let us take every opportunity to spread the word to the world!